Stuff and Store

Follow This Link to shop - or to "window shop" - at for some of the items and foods we use.  It's my new toy - stuff from Amazon that I individually select and showcase along with up to 900 characters of personalized blurb.  Since there are links to elsewhere, like in the margins of this very page, I'll use this particular tool to illustrate gadgets and foods that I mention somewhere in the blog, especially obscure ingredients that you just aren't going to find at Winn-Dixie.  And miscellaneous other things that strike my fancy.  It will open in a new tab, or window.

Update!!!  Murphy's Law... just as I finally got this a-store up and going, I was notified that will no longer do business with any resident of Illinois...   I was stumped for a day or so, then a phone call, and now I am moving my product suggestions into the store of my non-Illinois friend who is very into bees, and into environmentalism in general.

Just to be clear about this, I personally have no strong convictions about the face-off over tax collecting that is behind the problem between Illinois and Amazon.  I like being able to provide a source for kitchen tools that I use, and for foods that can be difficult to find locally.  The a-store is a convenience.  It looks as though the problem with Illinois is not going to be resolved any time soon, so I am more than happy to send potential customers to a friend in exchange for being able to display products and information in her online store for you to see.

Starting April 15 the above link will take you to an entrance to "The Shopper's Buzz" store on Good Simple Sites blog.  All our good ideas will be there, in the sections on hard-to-find foods and on kitchen tools;  and if you look in on the other sections, a whole lot of bee-lover and beekeeper sorts of things will be there too.  Enjoy!

Disclaimer:  Buyer Beware!

I bought the KitchenAid food processor about a year ago, after looking up recommendations. (The recommended one was the next size larger though.)  The one I bought came from Target.  In design it is mostly satisfactory... the lid has nooks and crannies in which food hides; the machine is packed with a tool meant to reach into those corners.
Small footprint, does the job well
The machine has had hard use; an adult household member requires pureed food.  However it is more battered than one would expect of a KitchenAid product after less than a year!  It still runs, and if it breaks apart completely I may well replace it with another KitchenAid.  But I can't recommend this product without acknowledging my experience with it.
Stem cracked all the way around; handle dirty on the inside.
Just sayin'!