
The Challenge Countdown 
  98.  Stir-fry Beef
  92.  Easy Hummus
  88.  Two-bean Salad
  82.  Collard Greens
  79.  Easy Beef Stew

Welcome to the Baker's Dozen Challenge!

Choose a "Baker's Dozen" of basic ingredients, and using only those, prepare 100 entrees that are simple, varied, and delicious. Standardize your recipes so they are reproducible ("add a pinch of salt and a splash of water" won't do it) and then attractively photograph the stages!

The general idea is to use original recipes (or at any rate personalized, modified recipes) that are reasonably easy to prepare, healthy, and all made primarily from your list of 13 ingredients - "A Baker's Dozen". A broader theme is living a simple, local, modest, and thoroughly satisfying life which is distinctively native to your culture, yet kind to the environment. (So, for this project local free-range chicken is better than Endangered Species Sushi. For our purposes.) Remember to measure, write down the recipes, and then offer them to everyone for a second opinion.

Gosh. 13 sounds like a lot, but limiting myself to 13 ingredients turns out to be difficult! Vegan seems not in the spirit of the thing; my pioneering great-grandparents wouldn't have recognized such food. I finally got the list together, with a bit of fudging - greens are greens, right? Any kind, so long as the color is green... beans are beans ... onions and garlic both smell strong so we'll count them as one ... if it comes from milk, it must be milk.  Fish is good for you but no space for it on the list.  Seasonings don't have calories so seasonings are not food! And so forth. Anyway, here's my list:

Entrees from 13 basic ingredients

Milk - Cream - Butter - Cheese
Vegetable Oil
Onions - Garlic

(and we have made an executive decision that the occasional odd vegetable, like yellow squash, is allowable)
edited from journal entry, November 2010