Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Grilled Marinated Chuck-eye Steak Dinner

Grilled steak on a George Foreman Grill
Prepare ahead:

1 or 2 pounds of chuck-eye steak (or more or less, it doesn't matter!) cut into chunks
Oil to coat
1 - 2 tablespoons of "Mrs. Dash" salt-free seasoning
Sprinkle of smoked paprika

Mix well, then seal into a quart-size ziplock bag and refrigerate for a day or more.  Any small container with a tight seal could be used.

A few cold steamed potatoes will be useful but not necessary. You can cook the potato from raw on the grill but it takes awhile.

To cook:

Heat the George Foreman Grill after oiling with non-stick spray.

Trim a few green onions, and cut in half so they'll fit on the grill.

When the grill is hot,  lay on the onions, then distribute chunks of meat over the onions.  Lower the lid.

Slice potato while you wait.

When juices stop dripping into the drip tray, check the meat, which is probably done.  This type of grill holds in heat and cooks very quickly!

Slide the meat and onions onto a plate.  Pick up the drip tray and drizzle the marinade and meat juices over the potato, then arrange potato slices on the grill.  Grill until done, or if pre-cooked, grill until browned.

Serve with tomato slices or some other simple salad.

This is hands-down the best dish made from chuck-eye that I have ever enjoyed!

Grilling machines tend to dry out meat, so the oily marinade is a big improvement.  If calories are important, then a better place to cut would be to replace the potato with a less starchy vegetable.

This is number 100 in the Baker's Dozen Challenge Countdown.

To see a full set of photographs showing how this dish was made, go to this set on flickr.   (It will open in a new tab or window; to return to this page, just close it.) The small pictures are thumbnails; click on each one to see it full-size, and to read the comments under it.  If you prefer to use the slideshow feature, you won't see the captions unless you click on "show info" (top right).

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