Thursday, February 17, 2011

Pork with White Beans

Pork with white beans in a slow cooker

2-quart slow cooker

2-3 cups white beans, canned or home-cooked
2-3 cups pork roast cut into large cubes
1 onion, chopped
1/4 cup diced bell pepper, fresh or frozen
2 cups chicken broth, canned or homemade
6 tiny pickled hot peppers (or similar)

Put it all into the crockpot, and sprinkle liberally with:

Smoked paprika

Since everything but the seasoning vegetables is already cooked, you need only cook on "high" until the onions are soft and the flavors are blended.

Good served with rice or potatoes or cornbread.  Good also served in a small bowl as soup, with croutons.

To see a full set of photographs showing how this dish was made, go to this set on flickr.   (It will open in a new tab or window; to return to this page, just close it.) The small pictures are thumbnails; click on each one to see it full-size, and to read the comments under it.  If you prefer to use the slideshow feature, you won't see the captions unless you click on "show info" (top right).

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